- conterminous
New Yorks borough of Brooklyn and Kings County are conterminous.
To get a building warrant he had to show the plans to "conterminous proprietors", neighbours with whom his property shared a boundary.
Wikipedia foundation.
New Yorks borough of Brooklyn and Kings County are conterminous.
To get a building warrant he had to show the plans to "conterminous proprietors", neighbours with whom his property shared a boundary.
Wikipedia foundation.
Conterminous — Con*ter mi*nous, a. [L. conterminus. Cf. {Conterminous}.] Having the same bounds, or limits; bordering upon; contiguous. [1913 Webster] This conformed so many of them as were conterminous to the colonies and garrisons, to the Roman laws. Sir M.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conterminous — [kən tʉrm′ə nəs, käntʉrm′ə nəs] adj. [L conterminus, bordering upon < com , together + terminus, an end: see TERM2] 1. having a common boundary; contiguous 2. contained within the same boundaries or limits [the conterminous U.S. includes all… … English World dictionary
conterminous — index adjacent, contiguous, immediate (not distant), proximate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
conterminous — 1670s, from L. conterminus bordering upon, having a common boundary, from com together, with (see COM (Cf. com )) + terminus (see TERMINUS (Cf. terminus)) … Etymology dictionary
conterminous — contiguous, abutting, adjoining, *adjacent, tangent, juxtaposed … New Dictionary of Synonyms
conterminous — adjective Etymology: Latin conterminus, from com + terminus boundary more at term Date: 1631 1. having a common boundary < conterminous countries > 2. coterminous 3. enclosed within one common boundary < the 48 conterminous states > • … New Collegiate Dictionary
conterminous — conterminally, conterminously, adv. conterminality, conterminousness, n. /keuhn terr meuh neuhs/, adj. 1. having a common boundary; bordering; contiguous. 2. meeting at the ends; without an intervening gap: In our calendar system, the close of… … Universalium
conterminous — con•ter•mi•nous [[t]kənˈtɜr mə nəs[/t]] also con•ter′mi•nal adj. 1) having a common boundary; contiguous 2) meeting without an intervening gap: The close of one year is conterminous with the beginning of the next[/ex] 3) coterminous • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
conterminous — adj. [L. cum, together; terminus, boundry] 1. Touching at the boundry, contiguous. 2. Having like bounds or limits … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
conterminous — Synonyms and related words: accompanying, adjacent, adjoining, agreeing, bordering, buck, coetaneous, coeternal, coeval, coexistent, coexisting, coinstantaneous, collateral, combat, concomitant, concurrent, connecting, contemporaneous,… … Moby Thesaurus