- lipoprotein lipase
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Lipoprotein lipase — (EC number| is an enzyme that hydrolyzes lipids in lipoproteins, like those found in chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), into three free fatty acids and one glycerol molecule. It requires Apo CII as a cofactor. cite… … Wikipedia
Lipoprotein lipase deficiency — Classification and external resources ICD 10 E78 OMIM 238600 DiseasesDB … Wikipedia
lipoprotein lipase — An enzyme that hydrolyzes one fatty acid from a triacylglycerol; its activity is enhanced by heparin and inactivated by heparinase. It is activated by apolipoprotein C II; a deficiency of l. is associated with familial hyperlipoproteinemia type … Medical dictionary
lipoprotein lipase — an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of triglycerides in chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins to free fatty acids, which are absorbed from the capillaries into local tissues. Deficiency of this enzyme results in severe… … The new mediacal dictionary
Lipoprotein — [ thumb|250px|Lipoprotein structure (chylomicron) ApoA, ApoB, ApoC, ApoE (apolipoproteins); T (triacylglycerol); C (cholesterol); green (phospholipids)] A lipoprotein is a biochemical assembly that contains both proteins and lipids. The lipids or … Wikipedia
Lipase — A lipase is a water soluble enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ester bonds in water–insoluble, lipid substrates [cite journal |author=Svendsen A |title=Lipase protein engineering |journal=Biochim Biophys Acta |volume=1543 |issue=2… … Wikipedia
lipoprotein — n. one of a group of compounds, found in blood plasma and lymph, each consisting of a protein (see apolipoprotein) combined with a lipid (which may be cholesterol, a triglyceride, or a phospholipid). Lipoproteins are important for the transport… … The new mediacal dictionary
lipase — 1. In general, any fat splitting or lipolytic enzyme; a carboxylesterase; e.g., triacylglycerol l., phospholipase A2, lipoprotein l.. 2. SYN: triacylglycerol l.. * * * li·pase lip .ās, līp , .āz n any enzyme (as one secreted by the pancreas) that … Medical dictionary
Hepatic lipase — is a form of lipase. It is expressed in the liver and adrenal glands.cite journal |author=Dichek HL, Agrawal N, El Andaloussi N, Qian K |title=Attenuated corticosterone response to chronic ACTH stimulation in hepatic lipase deficient mice:… … Wikipedia
Pancreatic lipase family — Pfam box Symbol = Lipase Name = width =250 caption =Complex of human pancreatic lipase with colipase Pfam= PF00151 InterPro= IPR013818 SMART= PROSITE = PDOC00110 SCOP = 1lpa TCDB = OPM family= OPM protein= 1lpa PDB=PDB3|1rp1 :18 353 PDB3|1lpaB:17 … Wikipedia