stock phrase

stock phrase
A phrase frequently or habitually used by a person or group, and thus associated with them.

Bart Simpsons stock phrase "I didnt do it" was once lampooned on the show itself.

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  • stock phrase — corny saying, common phrase …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Stock — Stock, a. Used or employed for constant service or application, as if constituting a portion of a stock or supply; standard; permanent; standing; as, a stock actor; a stock play; a stock phrase; a stock response; a stock sermon. A stock charge… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stock company — Stock Stock, a. Used or employed for constant service or application, as if constituting a portion of a stock or supply; standard; permanent; standing; as, a stock actor; a stock play; a stock phrase; a stock response; a stock sermon. A stock… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • stock — [[t]stɒ̱k[/t]] ♦♦ stocks, stocking, stocked 1) N COUNT: usu pl Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid. ...the buying and selling of stocks and shares... As stock prices… …   English dictionary

  • stock — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 available supply of sth ADJECTIVE ▪ good, high, huge, large ▪ low ▪ adequate ▪ declining …   Collocations dictionary

  • stock — /stɒk / (say stok) noun 1. an aggregate of goods kept on hand by a merchant, business firm, manufacturer, etc., for the supply of customers. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. 3. → livestock. 4. →… …  

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  • phrase — n 1. word group, unit, construction, term; clause, sentence, verse; portion, part, passage, excerpt; noun phrase, verb phrase, adverbial phrase, adjectival phrase. 2. phraseology, way of speaking, phrasing, manner of expression, mode of speaking; …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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