- talks
Meetings to discuss a particular matter.
The leaders of the G8 nations are currently in talks over nuclear weapons.
Wikipedia foundation.
The leaders of the G8 nations are currently in talks over nuclear weapons.
Wikipedia foundation.
talks — [tɔːks ǁ tɒːks] noun [plural] formal discussions between governments, organizations etc: • Talks are continuing about lifting trade restrictions. pay talks HUMAN RESOURCES discussions between management and workers about the amount the workers… … Financial and business terms
talks — index conference Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
talks — n. negotiations 1) to conduct, hold talks about 2) to break off talks 3) contract; exploratory; formal; high level; informal; peace; top level talks 4) talks about; with (talks about smt.; talks with smb.) * * * exploratory formal high level hold … Combinatory dictionary
Talks — (as used in expressions) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Strategic Arms Reduction Talks Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) … Enciclopedia Universal
Talks — This interesting surname of English origin is a locational name from a place called Talke in Staffordshire. The place is on a prominent ridge, of which Talke may have been the name, composed of the Welsh element tal meaning forehead , front or… … Surnames reference
talks — noun a discussion intended to produce an agreement (Freq. 1) the buyout negotiation lasted several days they disagreed but kept an open dialogue talks between Israelis and Palestinians • Syn: ↑negotiation, ↑dialogue • … Useful english dictionary
talks announcement — Sometimes referred to as a holding announcement or a possible offer announcement. The announcement of a possible offer under Rule 2.4 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers that talks are taking place which may or may not lead to the… … Law dictionary
talks — tÉ”Ëk n. conversation; speech, lecture; meeting; rumor; manner of talking v. communicate with spoken words, converse, speak; gossip, spread rumors; chitchat; lecture; reveal secret information … English contemporary dictionary
talks — stalk … Anagrams dictionary
talks — formal discussions or negotiations. → talk … English new terms dictionary