- magnetic monopole
a hypothetical particle having an isolated north or south pole; the magnetic equivalent of an isolated electric charge
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magnetic monopole — (Physics), a hypothetical subatomic particle having only one type of magnetic charge, the magnetic analogue of an electrically charged particle; it has only one magnetic pole instead of the two observed in all common magnetic object; it was still … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
magnetic monopole — n. MONOPOLE … English World dictionary
Magnetic monopole — It is impossible to make magnetic monopoles from a bar magnet. If a bar magnet is cut in half, it is not the case that one half has the north pole and the other half has the south pole. Inst … Wikipedia
magnetic monopole — noun a hypothetical particle with a single magnetic pole instead of the usual two • Hypernyms: ↑particle, ↑subatomic particle * * * a hypothetical very heavy particle with an isolated magnetic north pole or magnetic south pole. * * * magnetic… … Useful english dictionary
magnetic monopole — a hypothetical very heavy particle with an isolated magnetic north pole or magnetic south pole. * * * ▪ physics hypothetical particle with a magnetic charge, a property analogous to an electric charge. As implied by its name, the magnetic… … Universalium
magnetic monopole — magnetinis vienpolis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. magnetic monopole vok. magnetisches Monopol, n rus. магнитный монополь, m pranc. monopôle magnétique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
magnetic monopole — /mægˌnɛtɪk ˈmɒnəpoʊl/ (say mag.netik monuhpohl) noun a hypothetical magnetic charge analogous to electric charge …
Magnetic pole strength — (symbol: p) is a physical quantity used to measure the strength of the pole of a bar magnet (or a hypothetical magnetic monopole). If there is an infinitely long wire where the electric current is I, then the magnetic pole strength is defined as… … Wikipedia
Monopole — may refer to: Magnetic monopole, or Dirac monopole, a hypothetical particle that may be loosely described as a magnet with only one pole, or related concepts in physics and mathematics: Wu–Yang monopole, a monopole solution of Yang Mills… … Wikipedia
monopole — [män′ə pōl΄] n. [ MONO + POLE2] a hypothetical elementary particle of great mass, that has only one pole of magnetic charge: in full magnetic monopole … English World dictionary