- quantificational
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Quantificational variability effect — (QVE) is the intuitive equivalence of certain sentences with quantificational adverbs (Q adverbs) and sentences without these, but with quantificational determiner phrases (DP) in argument position instead. *1. (a) A cat is usually smart. (Q… … Wikipedia
quantificational — adjective see quantification … New Collegiate Dictionary
quantificational — quan·ti·fi·ca·tion·al … English syllables
quantificational — adjective see quantification … Useful english dictionary
On Denoting — written by Bertrand Russell, is one of the most significant and influential philosophical essays of the 20th century. It was published in the philosophy journal Mind in 1905; then reprinted, in both a special 2005 anniversary issue of the same j … Wikipedia
List of fallacies — For specific popular misconceptions, see List of common misconceptions. A fallacy is incorrect argumentation in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness. Contents 1 Formal fallacies 1.1… … Wikipedia
Discourse representation theory — (DRT) is a framework for exploring meaning under a formal semantics approach. One of the main differences between DRT style approaches and traditional Montagovian approaches is that DRT style approaches include a level of abstract mental… … Wikipedia
Linguistic meaning — See also Meaning (linguistics). Linguistic meaning is the content carried by the words or signs exchanged by people when communicating through language. Restated, the communication of meaning is the purpose and function of language. A… … Wikipedia
Meaning (philosophy of language) — The nature of meaning, its definition, elements, and types, was discussed by philosophers Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas. According to them meaning is a relationship between two sorts of things: signs and the kinds of things they mean (intend … Wikipedia
Definite description — A definite description is a denoting phrase in the form of the X where X is a noun phrase or a singular common noun. The definite description is proper if X applies to a unique individual or object. For example: the first person in space and the… … Wikipedia