Temporal Analysis, Reconnaissance and Decision Integration System
in a cubicle on the top floor which, because of its 21st century appearance, is known to everybody as the Tardis.
Wikipedia foundation.
in a cubicle on the top floor which, because of its 21st century appearance, is known to everybody as the Tardis.
Wikipedia foundation.
TARDIS — ТАРДИС (анг. The TARDIS [ˈtɑː(r)dɪs] (Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space) машина времени и космический корабль из британского телесериала «Доктор Кто». Продукт технологии Повелителей Времени, хорошо управляемая ТАРДИС может доставить своих… … Википедия
Tardis — /tärˈdis/ noun An object that is more spacious inside than it would appear to be when viewed from the outside ORIGIN: From the time travel device used in the BBC television series Dr Who, explained as an acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions… … Useful english dictionary
TARDIS — The TARDIS used from 2005 to 2010 on display at BBC Television Centre … Wikipedia
TARDIS — In der Serie verwendetes Requisit Die TARDIS ist eine fiktive Raum Zeit Maschine aus der britischen Science Fiction Fernsehserie Doctor Who. Der Name ist ein Backronym und steht für Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space (Zeit und relative… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tardis — Die TARDIS ist eine fiktive Raum Zeit Maschine aus der britischen Science Fiction Fernsehserie Doctor Who. Der Name ist ein Akronym und steht für Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space (Zeit und relative Dimension(en) im Weltraum). Das Wort… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TARDIS — l ancien TARDIS Le TARDIS est une machine à voyager dans le temps et l espace dans la série britannique de science fiction Doctor Who. Son nom est l acronyme de Time And Relative Dimension In Space (ou Temps A Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter… … Wikipédia en Français
TARDIS — La TARDIS usada entre 2005 y 2010, en la British Broadcasting Corporation TARDIS son las iniciales de Time And Relative Dimension In Space (Tiempo Y Dimensión Relativa en el Espacio en Castellano), una nave capaz de viajar por el tiempo y el… … Wikipedia Español
Tardis — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. TARDIS est un acronyme pour : Time And Relative Dimension In Space (Temps A Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter Spatiale) dans la série britannique de… … Wikipédia en Français
Tardis — UK [ˈtɑː(r)dɪs] / US [ˈtɑrdɪs] noun [countable] Word forms Tardis : singular Tardis plural Tardises a place that is much bigger than it looks from the outside • Etymology: From the name of the spaceship in the British TV programme Dr Who, which… … English dictionary
Tardis — the vehicle in which Doctor Who travels through time and space in the British children’s television series. Outside, it looks like an old fashioned British police telephone box. Inside, it is much larger than outside, and looks like a modern… … Universalium
Tardis — noun /ˈtɑː(ɹ).dɪs/ A structure whose interior seems to be larger than its exterior. What the designers of the Campanian programmes aim for is something like a Tardis effect, the dissolving of actual boundaries into a limitless space … Wiktionary