Epigenetics — In biology, the term epigenetics refers to changes in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence. These changes may remain through cell divisions for the remainder of the cell s life and may also last… … Wikipedia
epigenetics — Introduction the study of the chemical modification of specific genes (gene) or gene associated proteins of an organism. Epigenetic modifications can define how the information in genes is expressed and used by cells (cell). The term epigenetics … Universalium
epigenetics — n. [Gr. epi, upon; genesis, beginning] That branch of biology that deals with the causal analysis of development … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
epigenetics — The study of mechanisms involved in the production of phenotypic complexity in morphogenesis. According to the epigenetic view of differentiation, the cell makes a series of choices (some of which may have no obvious phenotypic expression, and… … Dictionary of molecular biology
epigenetics — epi·ge·net·ics iks n pl but sing in constr the study of how genes produce their effect on the phenotype of the organism * * * epi·ge·net·ics (ep″ĭ jə netґiks) the study of heritable changes in the function of genes that occur… … Medical dictionary
epigenetics — /ɛpidʒəˈnɛtɪks/ (say epeejuh netiks) noun Biology 1. the science that studies changes in the way a gene functions that are heritable but that occur without altering the DNA sequence, that is, changes that affect the phenotype without changing the …
epigenetics — epigenetˈics singular noun The science which studies the causes at work in development • • • Main Entry: ↑epigenesis … Useful english dictionary
Computational epigenetics — Computational epigenetics[1] [2] uses bioinformatic methods[clarification needed] to complement experimental research in epigenetics. Due to the recent explosion of epigenome datasets, computational methods play an increasing role in all areas of … Wikipedia
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics — The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI) in Freiburg, Germany, is an interdisciplinary research institute that conducts basic research in modern immunobiology and developmental biology. It was founded in 1961 as Max Planck… … Wikipedia
Nutriepigenomics — is the study of food nutrients and their effects on human health through epigenetic modifications. There is now considerable evidence that nutritional imbalances during gestation and lactation are linked to non communicable diseases, such as… … Wikipedia