- interconvert
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
interconvert — transitive verb see interconversion … New Collegiate Dictionary
interconvert — interconvertible, adj. interconvertibility, n. interconvertibly, adv. /in teuhr keuhn verrt /, v.t. to subject to interconversion; interchange. [1950 55; INTER + CONVERT] * * * … Universalium
interconvert — verb cause to be converted into each other. Derivatives interconversion noun interconvertible adjective … English new terms dictionary
interconvert — in·ter·convert … English syllables
interconvert — v.tr. & intr. convert into each other. Derivatives: interconversion n. interconvertible adj … Useful english dictionary
Mutarotation — is the change in the optical rotation that occurs by epimerization (that is the change in the equilibrium between two epimers, when the corresponding stereocenters interconvert). Cyclic sugars show mutarotation as α and β anomeric forms… … Wikipedia
Conformational isomerism — Conformers of butane, shown in Newman projection. The two gauche as well as the anti form are staggered conformations In chemistry, conformational isomerism is a form of stereoisomerism in which the isomers can be interconverted exclusively by… … Wikipedia
Curtin–Hammett principle — The Curtin–Hammett principle is a principle in chemical kinetics proposed by David Yarrow Curtin and Louis Plack Hammett. It states that, for a reaction that has a pair of reactive intermediates or reactants that interconvert rapidly (as is… … Wikipedia
P-type ATPase — Calcium ATPase, E2 Pi state Identifiers Symbol E1 E2 ATPase Pfam … Wikipedia
Isomer — This article is about the chemical concept. For isomerism of atomic nuclei, see nuclear isomer. In chemistry, isomers (from Greek ἰσομερής, isomerès; isos = equal , méros = part ) are compounds with the same molecular formula but different… … Wikipedia