- proprioception
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proprioception — ● proprioception nom féminin (de proprioceptif) Modalité de la sensibilité générale dont les récepteurs sont les propriocepteurs. ● proprioception (synonymes) nom féminin (de proprioceptif) Modalité de la sensibilité générale dont les récepteurs… … Encyclopédie Universelle
proprioception — 1906, from proprioceptor, from L. proprius “own” (see PROPER (Cf. proper)) + RECEPTOR (Cf. receptor). Related: Proprioceptive … Etymology dictionary
proprioception — [prō΄prē ə sep′shən] n. Physiol. the normal awareness of one s posture, movement, balance, and location based on the sensations received by the proprioceptors … English World dictionary
Proprioception — Kinesthetics redirects here. For the album by Scott Kinsey, see Kinesthetics (album). The cerebellum is largely responsible for coordinating the unconscious aspects of proprioception. Proprioception (pronounced /ˌproʊpri.ɵˈsɛpʃən/ … Wikipedia
Proprioception — Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Proprioception », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) La proprioception (du latin proprius signifiant propre et du mot perception ) désigne l ensemble des récepteurs, voies et centres… … Wikipédia en Français
Proprioception — The ability to sense stimuli arising within the body. Even if you are blindfolded, you know through proprioception if your arm is above your head or hanging by your side. The word “proprioception” was coined in 1906 by the English… … Medical dictionary
proprioception — noun Etymology: proprioceptive + ion Date: 1906 the reception of stimuli produced within the organism … New Collegiate Dictionary
Proprioception — Propriozeption (von lateinisch proprius „eigen“ und recipere „aufnehmen“) bezeichnet die Wahrnehmung von Körperbewegung und lage im Raum.[1] Es handelt sich somit um eine Eigenempfindung.[2] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Begriffsabgrenzung 2 Physiologie 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
proprioception — /proh pree euh sep sheuhn/, n. Physiol. perception governed by proprioceptors, as awareness of the position of one s body. [1905 10; PROPRIO + (RE)CEPTION] * * * Perception of stimuli relating to position, posture, equilibrium, or internal… … Universalium
proprioception — n. reception of information about body position movements by the sensory systems … English contemporary dictionary