
a) A table or list of syllabic letters or syllables
b) A writing system where each character represents a complete syllable
See Also: syllable

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  • Syllabary — Syl la*ba*ry, n. A table of syllables; more especially, a table of the indivisible syllabic symbols used in certain languages, as the Japanese and Cherokee, instead of letters. S. W. Williams. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • syllabary — [sil′ə ber΄ē] n. pl. syllabaries [ModL syllabarium < L syllaba: see SYLLABLE] 1. a set or table of syllables 2. a set of written signs or characters representing the syllables that are the units in a language that uses syllabic, rather than… …   English World dictionary

  • Syllabary — A syllabary is a set of written symbols that represent (or approximate) syllables, which make up words. A symbol in a syllabary typically represents an optional consonant sound followed by a vowel sound.Languages using syllabariesLanguages that… …   Wikipedia

  • syllabary — /sil euh ber ee/, n., pl. syllabaries. 1. a list or catalog of syllables. 2. a set of written symbols, each of which represents a syllable, used to write a given language: the Japanese syllabary. [1580 90; < NL syllabarium. See SYLLABLE, ARY] * * …   Universalium

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  • syllabary — noun (plural baries) Etymology: New Latin syllabarium, from Latin syllaba syllable Date: 1586 a table or listing of syllables; specifically a series or set of written characters each one of which is used to represent a syllable …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • syllabary — Synonyms and related words: IPA, ITA, Initial Teaching Alphabet, International Phonetic Alphabet, alphabet, alphabetics, art, blueprint, charactering, characterization, chart, choreography, conventional representation, dance notation, delineation …   Moby Thesaurus

  • syllabary — syl·la·bar·y || sɪlÉ™bÉ™rɪ / brɪ n. set of characters that represents syllables, syllabic script …   English contemporary dictionary

  • syllabary — [ sɪləb(ə)ri] noun (plural syllabaries) a set of written characters representing syllables, serving the purpose of an alphabet. Origin C19: from mod. L. syllabarium, from L. syllaba syllable …   English new terms dictionary

  • syllabary — noun (C) a list of syllables, sometimes represented as symbols …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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