- dominoes
Any of several games played by arranging domino tiles on a flat surface.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
dominoes — the usual form when referring to the game played with dominoes, c.1800; see DOMINO (Cf. domino) … Etymology dictionary
Dominoes — Domino redirects here. For other uses, see Domino (mathematics) and Domino (disambiguation). This article is about dominoes in general. For specific games, see Category:Domino games. A game of dominoes Dominoes (or dominos) generally refers to… … Wikipedia
Dominoes — Domino Dom i*no, n.; pl. {Dominos} or (esp. the pieces for a game) {Dominoes}. [F. domino, or It. domin[ o], or Sp. domin[ o], fr. L. dominus master. The domino was orig. a hood worn by the canons of a cathedral. See {Don}, {Dame}.] 1. A kind of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dominoes — The Dominoes, auch als Billy Ward the Dominoes bekannt, waren eine US amerikanische R B Gesangsgruppe, die von Billy Ward nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gegründet wurde. Ihr Stil verwob Gospel und Blues und wies Anfang der 1950er den Weg zum Rock n… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dominoes — Game of several variations played with a set of flat rectangular blocks (dominoes) whose faces are divided into two equal parts that are blank or bear from one to six dots arranged as on dice faces. The usual set consists of 28 pieces. Dominoes… … Universalium
dominoes — [treated as sing.] the game played with dominoes, each player in turn trying to lay down a domino with a value matching that of a piece at either end of the line already formed. → domino … English new terms dictionary
dominoes — domino statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Stalo žaidimas – 28 lentelių (kauliukų) su akimis dėliojimas tam tikra tvarka. Žaidžia 2, 3 arba 4 žaidėjai. 2 žaidėjai ima po 7 kauliukus, o 3 ar 4 – po 5. Kiti kauliukai užversti – tai … Sporto terminų žodynas
dominoes — domino statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Stačiakampis kauliukų rinkinys domino žaidimui žaisti: 28 kauliukai su visomis galimomis skaičių kombinacijomis nuo 0 iki 6 (seniau – 55 kauliukai su skaičių kombinacijomis nuo 0 iki 9… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Dominoes Apartments — (Ипсос,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Ypsos, Corfu, Ипсос, 49083, Греция … Каталог отелей
dominoes — … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors