- persiflage
After the third strike he returned to the bench to face the inevitable persiflage from his teammates.
Polite dinner calls for persiflage rather than in-depth possibly offensive discussion.
Wikipedia foundation.
After the third strike he returned to the bench to face the inevitable persiflage from his teammates.
Polite dinner calls for persiflage rather than in-depth possibly offensive discussion.
Wikipedia foundation.
persiflage — [ pɛrsiflaʒ ] n. m. • 1735; de persifler ♦ Action de persifler; propos d une personne qui persifle. ⇒ ironie, moquerie, raillerie (cf. Mise en boîte). « C était un âpre persiflage, tourner chaque mot que je disais en dérision » (Montherlant). Des … Encyclopédie Universelle
persiflage — 1757, from Fr. persiflage, from persifler to banter, from L. per through + Fr. siffler to whistle, hiss, from collateral form of L. sibilare to hiss, possibly of imitative origin … Etymology dictionary
Persiflage — Per si flage , n. [F., fr. persifler to quiz, fr. L. per + siffler to whistle, hiss, L. sibilare, sifilare.] Frivolous or bantering talk; a frivolous manner of treating any subject, whether serious or otherwise; light raillery. Hannah More. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Persiflage — (fr., spr. Persiflasch), Spott, spitziger Tadel; Persifliren, auf seine, spitze Weise verspotten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Persiflage — (franz., spr. ßiflasch ), versteckter Spott; persiflieren, einen durch solchen lächerlich machen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Persiflage — (frz., spr. ahsch ), feiner versteckter Spott; persiflieren, auf feine Weise verspotten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Persiflage — Persiflage, jener seine Spott, welcher, mit Hilfe der Ironie, eine Person oder Sache lächerlich zu machen sucht. B–l … Damen Conversations Lexikon
Persiflage — (–lahsch), seiner Spott; persifliren, verspotten … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
persiflage — *badinage, raillery Analogous words: bantering or banter, chaffing or chaff (see BANTER): ridiculing or ridicule, twitting, deriding or derision (see corresponding verbs at RIDICULE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
persiflage — ► NOUN formal ▪ light mockery or banter. ORIGIN from French persifler to banter … English terms dictionary
persiflage — [pʉr′sə fläzh΄] n. [Fr < persifler, to banter < per (see PER ) + siffler, to whistle, hiss < L sifilare, var. of sibilare: see SIBILANT] 1. a light, frivolous or flippant style of writing or speaking 2. such talk or writing … English World dictionary