black box

black box
a) Informal name for the brightly colored cockpit voice recorders and flight data recorders in an aircraft designed to aid in determining the cause of an accident.
b) A theoretical construct or device with known input and output characteristics but unknown method of operation.

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  • Black box — is a technical term for a device or system or object when it is viewed primarily in terms of its input and output characteristics. Almost anything might occasionally be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm, humans, the Internet …   Wikipedia

  • Black-Box — engl. [blæk bɔks], (dt. schwarzer Kasten) steht für: allgemein ein geschlossenes System unter Vernachlässigung des inneren Aufbaus, siehe Black Box (Systemtheorie) – dort auch zur Wortherkunft einen dunklen und schallisolierten Raum, siehe Camera …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Black Box — Black|box, die; , es, Black Box, die; , es [ blɛkbɔks , bɔks; engl. black box, eigtl. = schwarzer Kasten]: 1. (Kybernetik) Teil eines kybernetischen Systems, dessen Aufbau u. innerer Ablauf erst aus den Reaktionen auf eingegebene Signale… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Black box — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Black Box, boîte noire en anglais, peut faire référence à : Black Box Corporation, une entreprise internationale spécialisée dans les services et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • black box — ˌblack ˈbox noun [countable] informal 1. an electronic unit that records information on an aircraft about its height, speed etc. If the plane crashes, the black box can be examined to find the causes: • Data from the black box recovered from the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Black Box — oder Blackbox (engl. blæk bɒks ‚schwarzer Kasten‘) steht für: Black Box (Systemtheorie), ein geschlossenes System unter Vernachlässigung des inneren Aufbaus, siehe dort auch zur Wortherkunft einen dunklen und schallisolierten Raum, siehe Camera… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • black box — black boxes 1) N COUNT A black box is an electronic device in an aircraft which records information about its flights. Black boxes are often used to provide evidence about accidents. 2) N COUNT: usu sing You can refer to a system or device as a… …   English dictionary

  • Black box — (bl[a^]k b[o^]ks ), n. 1. any electronic instrument or part of an instrument whose function is defined, but which is treated as a unit without consideration of the internal mechanisms; broadly, any device whose internal workings are considered as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black box — black′ box′ n. 1) elo any unit that forms part of an electronic circuit and has its function but not its components specified 2) cvb any small, usu. black, box containing a secret, mysterious, or complex mechanical or electronic device 3) aer.… …   From formal English to slang

  • black box — theory …   Philosophy dictionary

  • black box — n informal a piece of equipment on an aircraft that records what happens on a flight and can be used to discover the cause of accidents = ↑flight recorder …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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