- Kremlinology
a) The study of the internal politics of the high members of the government of the USSR.b) The study of the internal politics of any powerful and secretive organization.
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Kremlinology — is the study and analysis of Soviet (and today, Russian) politics and policies based on efforts to understand the inner workings of an extremely opaque central government. The term is named after the Kremlin, the seat of the Russian/Soviet… … Wikipedia
Kremlinology — [krem΄lin äl′ə jē] n. [ KREMLIN + OLOGY] the study of the government, foreign policy, etc. of the Soviet Union Kremlinologist n … English World dictionary
kremlinology — noun Usage: often capitalized Date: 1958 the study of the policies and practices of the former Soviet government • kremlinologist noun, often capitalized … New Collegiate Dictionary
Kremlinology — Kremlinologist, n. /krem li nol euh jee/, n. the study of the government of the former Soviet Union, esp. the study of those factors governing its foreign affairs. Also called Sovietology. [1955 60; KREMLIN + O + LOGY] * * * … Universalium
kremlinology — n. Sovietology, study of the policies and methods of government in the former Soviet Union … English contemporary dictionary
kremlinology — krem·lin·ol·o·gy … English syllables
Kremlinology — Krem•lin•ol•o•gy [[t]ˌkrɛm lɪˈnɒl ə dʒi[/t]] n. gov the study of the government and policies of the Soviet Union • Etymology: 1955–60 Krem lin•ol′o•gist, n … From formal English to slang
kremlinology — … Useful english dictionary
China watcher — China watcher, or, less frequently, Pekingologist, is a person who monitors current events and power struggles in People s Republic of China. During the Cold War, China Watchers centered in Hong Kong, especially American government officials or… … Wikipedia
So|vi|et|ol|o|gy — «SOH vee uh TOL uh jee, SOV ee », noun. = Kremlinology. (Cf. ↑Kremlinology) … Useful english dictionary