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  • Adaptively — Adaptive A*dapt ive, a. Suited, given, or tending, to adaptation; characterized by adaptation; capable of adapting. Coleridge. {A*dapt ive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • adaptively — adverb see adaptive …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • adaptively — See adaptive. * * * …   Universalium

  • adaptively — adv. in an adaptive manner, through adaption …   English contemporary dictionary

  • adaptively — adapt·ive·ly …   English syllables

  • adaptively — adverb see adaptive …   Useful english dictionary

  • adaptive — adaptively, adv. adaptiveness, n. adaptivity /ad ap tiv i tee/, n. /euh dap tiv/, adj. serving or able to adapt; showing or contributing to adaptation: the adaptive coloring of a chameleon. [1815 25; ADAPT + IVE] * * * …   Universalium

  • Hair — For other uses, see Hair (disambiguation). Hairy redirects here. For individuals nicknamed the Hairy , see List of people known as the Hairy. Hair Cross section of a hair Latin unguis …   Wikipedia

  • Creativity — For other uses of Creativity , see Creativity (disambiguation). Human intelligence Abilities and Traits Abstract thought Communication  …   Wikipedia

  • Docklands, Victoria — Docklands Melbourne, Victoria View toward Docklands from high above the Melbourne CBD in 2008. From left to right Batmans Hill Southern Cross Station; Victoria Harbour; Stadium Precinct; N …   Wikipedia

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