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strong language — index expletive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
strong language — {n. phr.} Cursing; swearing. * /When Ned learned that he had been fired, he used some very strong language about his boss./ … Dictionary of American idioms
strong language — {n. phr.} Cursing; swearing. * /When Ned learned that he had been fired, he used some very strong language about his boss./ … Dictionary of American idioms
strong\ language — n. phr. Cursing; swearing. When Ned learned that he had been fired, he used some very strong language about his boss … Словарь американских идиом
strong language — Synonyms and related words: bad language, billingsgate, bite, bitingness, blue language, colorful language, cursing, cussing, cuttingness, dirty language, dirty talk, drive, dysphemism, effectiveness, evil speaking, filth, filthy language, force … Moby Thesaurus
strong language — vulgar language, rude language, obscenity … English contemporary dictionary
strong language — noun The use of language considered offensive or taboo especially in movies and films. Syn: swearing … Wiktionary
strong language — noun : markedly or unwarrantedly forcible or vehement manner of expression or choice of words … Useful english dictionary
strong — W1S1 [strɔŋ US stro:ŋ] adj comparative stronger superlative strongest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(able to lift heavy things/do hard work)¦ 2¦(not easily damaged)¦ 3¦(able to deal with difficulty)¦ 4¦(powerful)¦ 5¦(feelings/opinions)¦ 6¦(affect/influence)¦… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Strong — may refer to:General usage*Strong acid *Strong agnosticism *Strong AI *Strong atheism *Strong cardinal *Strong coloring *Strong convergence *Strong CP problem *Strong cryptography *Strong inflection (linguistics):*Germanic strong verb *Strong… … Wikipedia