- maximalist
- 1. adjectivePreferring redundancy; tending to do or provide more rather than less2. nounA person with maximalist beliefs or tendencies; someone who prefers redundancy or excessSee Also: maximalism
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Maximalist! — (1983 1989) est un ensemble instrumental créé en 1983 en Belgique à l initiative de Thierry De Mey et de Peter Vermeersch. À l occasion d une des premières créations chorégraphiquse d Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Rosas danst Rosas, les deux… … Wikipédia en Français
Maximalist — is a quality of excessive redundancy oft exhibited by way of the overt accumulation of appurtenances that reflect current society. In other references the term refers to either the ostentatious displays of the extensive possessions of the super… … Wikipedia
Maximalist ! — Maximalist! Maximalist! (1983 1989) est un groupe de musique créé en 1983 en Belgique à l initiative de Thierry De Mey et de Peter Vermeersch. À l occasion de la première création chorégraphique d Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Rosas danst Rosas,… … Wikipédia en Français
maximalist — maximalíst s. m., pl. maximalíşti Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic MAXIMALÍST, Ă s.m. şi f. (Rar) Leninist. [< fr. maximaliste]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 31.05.2005. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
maximalist — extreme radical in the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party, early 20c., from MAXIMAL (Cf. maximal) + IST (Cf. ist); denoting one who insists on all his demands. Related: Maximalism … Etymology dictionary
maximalist — [maks′iməl ist] n. [ MAXIMAL + IST1] a person who favors direct or revolutionary action to achieve a goal … English World dictionary
maximalist — noun Date: 1907 one who advocates immediate and direct action to secure the whole of a program or set of goals • maximalist adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Maximalist! (band) — Maximalist! was an ensemble formed to perform the compositions that Thierry De Mey and Peter Vermeersch wrote for the dance choreographies of Wim Vandekeybus. The music they performed mixed avant garde jazz with minimal music; hence (by contrast) … Wikipedia
maximalist — /mak seuh meuh list/, n. a person who favors a radical and immediate approach to the achievement of a set of goals or the completion of a program. [ < Russ maksimalíst, coinage orig. applied in 1906 to an extreme splinter group of the Russian… … Universalium
Maximalist — Ma|xi|ma|lịst, der; en, en: 1. jmd., der das Äußerste fordert. 2. Sozialist, der die sofortige Machtübernahme der revolutionären Kräfte fordert … Universal-Lexikon