- preterist
- noun /ˈprɛtərɪst/an adherent of preterism; one who believes that the Biblical prophecies of the Apocalypse refer to historical events which have already taken place
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Preterist — Pret er*ist, n. [Pref. preter + ist.] 1. One whose chief interest is in the past; one who regards the past with most pleasure or favor. [1913 Webster] 2. (Theol.) One who believes the prophecies of the Apocalypse to have been already fulfilled.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preterist — (n.) one who favors the past, 1864 (as a theological term from 1843), from preter (see PRETERITE (Cf. preterite)) + IST (Cf. ist) … Etymology dictionary
Preterist — Präterismus (nach engl. Preterism, aus lat. praeter = vorbei; vorüber; vgl. Präteritum) oder zeitgeschichtliche Auslegung ist eine im Deutschen eher unübliche Bezeichnung für eschatologische Richtungen, die davon ausgehen, dass sich endzeitliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
preterist — /pret euhr ist/, Theol. n. 1. a person who maintains that the prophecies in the Apocalypse have already been fulfilled. Cf. futurist (def. 2), presentist. adj. 2. of or pertaining to the preterists. [1960 65; PRETER + IST] * * * … Universalium
preterist — pret·er·ist … English syllables
preterist — One who believes that the prophecies preceeding the Apocalypse have been fulfilled … Grandiloquent dictionary
preterist — noun a theologian who believes that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) have already been fulfilled • Hypernyms: ↑theologian, ↑theologist, ↑theologizer, ↑theologiser … Useful english dictionary
preterist view — Претеристский подход … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Preterism — is a variant of Christian eschatology which holds that some or all of the biblical prophecies concerning the Last Days or End Times refer to events which actually happened in the first century after Christ s birth. The term preterism comes from… … Wikipedia
Preterismo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El preterismo es una variación de la escatología cristiana que mantiene que algunas o todas las profecías Bíblicas concernientes a los Últimos Días (o Tiempos Finales) se refieren a eventos que en realidad ocurrieron … Wikipedia Español