- low-tech
Sometimes the low-tech ways are best: bash it with a rock, thatll loosen it.
Wikipedia foundation.
Sometimes the low-tech ways are best: bash it with a rock, thatll loosen it.
Wikipedia foundation.
low-tech — ˈlow tech adjective MANUFACTURING not using the most modern machines or methods in business or industry: • Waste management, traditionally a low tech industry, is being turned by the development of new technologies into something closer to… … Financial and business terms
low-tech — [ˌləu ˈtek US ˌlou ] adj [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: tech from technology] not using the most modern machines or methods in business or industry ≠ ↑high tech ▪ He made low tech, budget space movies … Dictionary of contemporary English
low-tech — adj. not involving high technology; using long established technology. Opposite of {high tech}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
low tech — low technology or low tech noun Simple, unsophisticated technology used in the production of basic commodities (also (with hyphen or loˈ tech) adjective) • • • Main Entry: ↑low … Useful english dictionary
low-tech — [ ,lou tek ] adjective low tech equipment is simple and usually old fashioned … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
low-tech — or low technology [lō′tek′] adj. 1. not involving specialized, complex technology: in full low technology ☆ 2. of or having to do with businesses, systems, etc. using such technology … English World dictionary
low-tech — low′ tech′ adj. cvb low technology • Etymology: by shortening … From formal English to slang
low-tech — adjective not involving high technology • Ant: ↑high tech * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : not relating to, using, or characterized by high technology : technologically simple or unsophisticated low tech industries * * * /loh tek /, adj. low… … Useful english dictionary
Low-Tech — Der Begriff Low Tech bildet den Gegensatz zu High Tech und bezieht sich auf Technik, die unter den Maßstäben: einfache Funktion einfache Herstellung einfache Bedienung Robustheit einfache Wartung entwickelt wird. Low Tech sagt nichts über die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Low-tech — Der Begriff Low Tech bildet den Gegensatz zu High Tech und bezieht sich auf Technik, die unter den Maßstäben: einfache Funktion einfache Herstellung einfache Bedienung Robustheit einfache Wartung entwickelt wird. Low Tech sagt nichts über die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Low-tech — L anglicisme Low tech (Basse technique), par opposition à High tech, est attribué à des techniques apparemment simples, économiques et populaires. Elles peuvent faire appel au recyclage de machines récemment tombées en désuétude. La revendication … Wikipédia en Français