- autological
The word polysyllabic is autological, but the word monosyllabic is not.
Wikipedia foundation.
The word polysyllabic is autological, but the word monosyllabic is not.
Wikipedia foundation.
autological — /ɔtəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (say awtuh loj1kuhl) adjective of or relating to words or phrases which have in them the property that they denote: the word short is autological because it is itself short …
Autological word — An autological word or homological word is a word that describes itself, that is self referential. Since adjectives are words that are designed to describe things, including words, most autological words are adjectives.Other parts of speech may… … Wikipedia
autological — A word that applies to itself: ‘short’ is a short word; ‘English’ an English word. See heterological, Grelling s paradox … Philosophy dictionary
autological — adj. Used to describe words or phrases that are self descriptive. Examples: multisyllabic, terse, fifteen lettered, numberless, adjectival, visible. Category: Language (General) … New words
autological — adj. serves to describe itself; self descriptive … English contemporary dictionary
autological — … Useful english dictionary
List of autological words — This is a list of autological words, words which describe themselves. * *: Autological words describe themselves, thus autological can with equal consistency be taken to be either autological or not autological (but not both). * , , ... *: These… … Wikipedia
Grelling–Nelson paradox — The Grelling–Nelson paradox is a semantic self referential paradox formulated in 1908 by Kurt Grelling and Leonard Nelson and sometimes mistakenly attributed to the German philosopher and mathematician Hermann Weyl. It is thus occasionally called … Wikipedia
Self-reference — The Treachery Of Images (1928 29) by René Magritte depicts a pipe along with text stating This is not a pipe. Note: This image is an illustration of a self reference case only if the demonstrative pronoun ceci ( this ) refers not to the idea of a … Wikipedia
List of philosophy topics (A-C) — 110th century philosophy 11th century philosophy 12th century philosophy 13th century philosophy 14th century philosophy 15th century philosophy 16th century philosophy 17th century philosophy 18th century philosophy 19th century philosophy220th… … Wikipedia