pull together
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pull together — ► pull together cooperate in an undertaking. Main Entry: ↑pull … English terms dictionary
pull together — index cooperate, unite Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pull together — verb assemble or get together (Freq. 1) gather some stones pull your thoughts together • Syn: ↑gather, ↑garner, ↑collect • Ant: ↑spread ( … Useful english dictionary
pull together — 1) PHRASAL VERB If people pull together, they help each other or work together in order to deal with a difficult situation. [V P] The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos... [V P] They would be far better off,… … English dictionary
pull together — phrasal verb Word forms pull together : present tense I/you/we/they pull together he/she/it pulls together present participle pulling together past tense pulled together past participle pulled together 1) [intransitive] if people pull together,… … English dictionary
pull together — UK US pull together Phrasal Verb with pull({{}}/pʊl/ verb [T] ► to work closely together to achieve something: »We can survive this crisis as long as we all pull together … Financial and business terms
pull together — {v.} To join your efforts with those of others; work on a task together; cooperate. * /Many men must pull together if a large business is to succeed./ * /Tim was a good football captain because he always got his teammates to pull together./ … Dictionary of American idioms
pull together — {v.} To join your efforts with those of others; work on a task together; cooperate. * /Many men must pull together if a large business is to succeed./ * /Tim was a good football captain because he always got his teammates to pull together./ … Dictionary of American idioms
pull\ together — v To join your efforts with those of others; work on a task together; cooperate. Many men must pull together if a large business is to succeed. Tim was a good football captain because he always got his teammates to pull together … Словарь американских идиом
pull together — work together, co operate If we pull together, we can complete this project on time … English idioms
pull together — phr verb Pull together is used with these nouns as the object: ↑strand, ↑thread … Collocations dictionary