
To put or inter in a pantheon.

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  • pantheonize — pantheonization, n. /pan thee euh nuyz / or, esp. Brit., /pan thee /, v.t., pantheonized, izing. to place, esp. to bury, in a pantheon: The author will be pantheonized following the funeral mass. Also, esp. Brit., pantheonise. [PANTHEON + IZE] *… …   Universalium

  • pantheonize — pantheonization, n. /pan thee euh nuyz / or, esp. Brit., /pan thee /, v.t., pantheonized, izing. to place, esp. to bury, in a pantheon: The author will be pantheonized following the funeral mass. Also, esp. Brit., pantheonise. [PANTHEON + IZE] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Maurice Barrès — Maurice Barrès. Maurice Barrès (19 August 1862 – 4 December 1923) was a French novelist, journalist, and socialist politician and agitator known for his nationalist and antisemitic views. In his youth a Boulangist deputy, he progressively… …   Wikipedia

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