artificial anus
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artificial anus — an opening from the colon formed by the creation of a colostomy … Medical dictionary
colostomy — /keuh los teuh mee/, n., pl. colostomies. Surg. 1. the construction of an artificial opening from the colon through the abdominal wall, thus bypassing a diseased portion of the lower intestine and permitting the passage of intestinal contents. 2 … Universalium
sigmoidostomy — Establishment of an artificial anus by opening into the sigmoid colon. [sigmoido + G. stoma, mouth] * * * sig·moid·os·to·my .sig .mȯi däs tə mē n, pl mies surgical creation of an artificial anus in the sigmoid colon * * * sig·moid·os·to·my… … Medical dictionary
ileostomy — Establishment of a fistula through which the ileum discharges directly to the outside of the body. [ileo + G. stoma, mouth] Brooke i. i. in which the divided proximal ileum, brought through the abdominal wall, is evaginated and its edge is… … Medical dictionary
Colostomy — An alternative exit from the colon created to divert waste through a hole in the colon and through the wall of the abdomen. A colostomy is commonly performed by severing the colon to attach the end leading to the stomach to the skin through the… … Medical dictionary
cecostomy — Operative formation of a cecal fistula. SYN: typhlostomy. [ceco + G. stoma, mouth] * * * ce·cos·to·my or chiefly Brit cae·cos·to·my sē käs tə mē n, pl mies the surgical formation of an opening into the cecum to serve as an artificial anus * * * … Medical dictionary
colostomy — noun (plural mies) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary 2col + stomy Date: 1888 surgical formation of an artificial anus by connecting the colon to an opening in the abdominal wall … New Collegiate Dictionary
Guillaume Dupuytren — Guillaume Dupuytren. Guillaume Dupuytren, Baron (October 5, 1777 – February 8, 1835) was a French anatomist and military surgeon. Although he gained much esteem for treating Napoleon Bonaparte s hemorrhoids, he is best known today for Dupuytren s … Wikipedia
Dupuytren, Guillaume — later Baron Dupuytren born Oct. 5, 1777, Pierre Buffière, near Limoges, Fr. died Feb. 8, 1835, Paris French surgeon and pathologist. Dupuytren was the first to excise the lower jaw and to clearly describe the pathology of congenital hip… … Universalium
Dupuytren, Guillaume, Baron — ▪ French surgeon and pathologist born Oct. 5, 1777, Pierre Buffière, near Limoges, Fr. died Feb. 8, 1835, Paris French surgeon and pathologist best known for his description and development of surgical procedures for alleviating “Dupuytren s… … Universalium