- mormyromast
A tuberous electroreceptor organ found in the skin of weakly electric fish of the family Mormyridae from Africa which is specialized for electrolocation of objects.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
mormyromast — one of an innervated group of cells in a round capsule at the end of a jelly filled tube opening to the skin surface of Gymnarchidae and Mormyridae; electric sense organs. Also called snout organs or multicellular glands … Dictionary of ichthyology
C-mormyromast — electroreceptor (an organ which detects the presence of an electric current) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Knollenorgan — is the name given to an electroreceptor found in the skin of weakly electric fish of the family Mormyridae from Africa. It was first described by V. Franz (1920), a German anatomist who was unaware of its function. They are named after Knolle ,… … Wikipedia
multicellular gland — an innervated group of cells in a round capsule at the end of a jelly filled tube opening to the skin surface of Gymnarchidae and Mormyridae; electric sense organ. Also called snout organ or mormyromast … Dictionary of ichthyology
snout organ — an innervated group of cells in a round capsule at the end of a jelly filled tube opening to the skin surface of Gymnarchidae and Mormyridae; electric sense organ. Also called mormyromast or multicellular gland … Dictionary of ichthyology