- apotemnophilia
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Wikipedia foundation.
Apotemnophilia — is the erotic interest in being or looking like an amputee. [Money, J., Jobaris, R., Furth, G. (1977). Apotemnophilia: Two cases of self demand amputation as a sexual preference. The Journal of Sex Research, 13, 115–124.] [Everaerd, W. (1983). A… … Wikipedia
apotemnophilia — … Useful english dictionary
Body integrity identity disorder — (BIID), formerly known as Amputee Identity Disorder, is a psychological disorder wherein sufferers feel they would be happier living as an amputee. It is typically accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs to achieve that… … Wikipedia
Апотемнофилия — сочетающаяся с садомазохизмом разновидность сексуального фетишизма, при которой роль фетиша играют уродства тела, инвалидность (например отсутствие конечности)[1][2]. Апотемнофилию не следует смешивать с акротомофилией: влечением к людям с… … Википедия
Attraction to disability — is a sexualised interest of people in the appearance, sensation and experience of disability. It may extend from normal human sexuality into a type of sexual fetishism. Sexologically, the pathological end of the attraction tends to be seen[Need… … Wikipedia
Body modification — (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human body for any non medical reason, such as aesthetics, sexual enhancement, a rite of passage, religious reasons, to display group membership or affiliation, to create body art, shock… … Wikipedia
Autosexuality — refers to sexual orientation and sexual behavior of attraction or romance that one holds exclusively, and expresses, towards oneself. Concurrently, autoeroticism is sexual stimulation of one s self.Autoerotic interests include autogynephilia,… … Wikipedia
Acrotomophilia — refers to the sexual interest in amputees (from the Greek akron [extremity] , tomein [to cut] and philein [to love] ). The term amelotatism has also been used to describe this interest. The sexual interest in being an amputee is apotemnophilia… … Wikipedia
List of paraphilias — This article is primarily a list of different paraphilias and sexual fetishes. For more information, see Paraphilias.ParaphiliasSome paraphilias have have more than one term to describe them, and some terms overlap with others.*Abasiophilia: love … Wikipedia
Apotemnophilie — Le cerveau humain. L Apotemnophilie est un trouble neurologique dans lequel un individu tout exprime un fort désir spécifique de subir l amputation d un ou plusieurs membres du corps en bon état[1] … Wikipédia en Français