eat one's hat
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eat one's hat — To be very surprised (if something turns out contrary to one s expectations) • • • Main Entry: ↑eat … Useful english dictionary
eat one’s hat — tv. to do something extraordinary. □ If she wins, I’ll eat my hat. □ I’ll eat my hat if our advertisement actually brings us a president … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
eat — (v.) O.E. etan (class V strong verb; past tense æt, pp. eten) to eat, devour, consume, from P.Gmc. *etanan (Cf. O.Fris. ita, O.S. etan, M.Du. eten, Du. eten, O.H.G. ezzan, Ger. essen, O.N. eta, Goth. itan), from PIE root … Etymology dictionary
hat — (n.) O.E. hæt hat, head covering, from P.Gmc. *hattuz hood, cowl (Cf. Fris. hat, O.N. hattr), from PIE root *kadh cover, protect (Cf. Lith. kudas tuft or crest of a bird, L. cassis helmet ). Now, head covering with a more or less horizontal brim … Etymology dictionary
eat — v. (past ate; past part. eaten) 1 a tr. take into the mouth, chew, and swallow (food). b intr. consume food; take a meal. c tr. devour (eaten by a lion). 2 intr. (foll. by (away) at, into) a destroy gradually, esp. by corrosion, erosion, disease … Useful english dictionary
hat — /hæt / (say hat) noun 1. a shaped covering for the head, usually with a crown and a brim, worn outdoors. 2. Roman Catholic Church (formerly) a. the distinctive red cap of a cardinal. b. the office or dignity of cardinal. 3. Colloquial a rank or… …
eat — ► VERB (past ate; past part. eaten) 1) put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it. 2) (eat out or in) have a meal in a restaurant (or at home). 3) (eat something away or eat away at/into) gradually erode or des … English terms dictionary
eat — verb (past ate ɛt, eɪt; past participle eaten) 1》 put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it. ↘(eat out or in) have a meal in a restaurant (or at home). 2》 (eat something away or eat away at/into) erode or destroy something gradually.… … English new terms dictionary
Eat Me, Drink Me — Studio album by Marilyn Manson Released June … Wikipedia
Eat a Bowl of Tea (novel) — Eat a Bowl of Tea published in 1961, was the first Chinese American novel actually set in Chinese America. Its honest portrayal of New York s Chinatown after World War II made Eat a Bowl of Tea a classic in Asian American literature.The story… … Wikipedia