- scarabaeoid
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
scarabaeoid — adj. [L. scarabaeus, beetle; Gr. eidos, like] 1. Scarab like. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Coleoptera, a member of the Scarabaeoidea; third and fourth instar larva of the Meloidae, the blister beetles … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
scarabaeoid — /skar euh bee oyd/, adj. Also, scaraboid /skar euh boyd /. 1. resembling a scarab. n. 2. an imitation or counterfeit scarab. [1885 90; SCARABAE(US) + OID] * * * … Universalium
scarabaeoid — scar·a·bae·oid … English syllables
scarabaeoid — /skærəˈbiɔɪd/ (say skaruh beeoyd) adjective 1. Also, scaraboid /ˈskærəbɔɪd/ (say skaruhboyd). resembling a scarab. 2. of the nature of, or resembling, a scarabaeid. –noun 3. an imitation or counterfeit scarab (def. 3) …
scarabaeoid — I. ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈbēˌȯid noun ( s) Etymology: scarabaeus + English oid 1. : a beetle of Scarabaeidae or a closely related family : scarabaeus 2. : scaraboid II. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ … Useful english dictionary
Glaresis — Taxobox name = Glaresis regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Coleoptera subordo = Polyphaga superfamilia = Scarabaeoidea familia = Glaresidae familia authority = Semenov Tian Shanskii Medvedev, 1932 genus = Glaresis… … Wikipedia
Tyrannasorus rex — Taxobox name = Tyrannasorus rex status = image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Coleoptera familia = Scarabaeidae subfamilia = Hybosoridae genus = Tyrannasorus species = T. rex binomial = Tyrannasorus… … Wikipedia
Diphyllostomatidae — ? Diphyllostomatidae Научная классификация Царство: Животные Тип: Членистоногие Класс: Насекомые … Википедия
Aclopinae — Научная классификация промежуточные ранги Домен: … Википедия
acanthoparia — n.; pl. iae [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; pareion, cheek] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Coleoptera, the lateral spiny paired region of the paria (epipharynx) in scarabaeoid larvae … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology