- postconsonantal
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postconsonantal — /pohst kon seuh nan tl/, adj. Phonet. immediately following a consonant. [1930 35; POST + CONSONANTAL] * * * … Universalium
postconsonantal — adj. following a consonant (Phonetics) … English contemporary dictionary
postconsonantal — post·consonantal … English syllables
postconsonantal — (|) ̷ ̷+ adjective Etymology: post + consonantal : immediately following a consonant * * * /pohst kon seuh nan tl/, adj. Phonet. immediately following a consonant. [1930 35; POST + CONSONANTAL] * * * postconsonanˈtal (↑consonantal) adj(1) • • •… … Useful english dictionary
-s — I. noun plural suffix Etymology: Middle English es, s, from Old English as, nominative & accusative plural ending of some masculine nouns; akin to Old Saxon os used to form the plural of most nouns that do not end in s, z, sh, ch, or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dardic languages — Dardic Geographic distribution: eastern Afghanistan, Kashmir Linguistic classification: Indo European Indo Iranian Indo Aryan Dardic … Wikipedia
-es — 1. suffix forming plurals of nouns ending in sibilant sounds (such words in e dropping the e) (kisses; cases; boxes; churches). Etymology: var. of S(1) 2. suffix forming the 3rd person sing. present of verbs ending in sibilant sounds (such words… … Useful english dictionary
post- — prefix Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from post; akin to Lithuanian pas at, Greek apo away from more at of 1. a. after ; subsequent ; later < postdate > b. behind ; posterior ; following after … New Collegiate Dictionary
Guttural R — In linguistics, guttural R (throaty R or French R) refers to pronunciation of a rhotic consonant as a guttural consonant. These consonants are usually uvular, but can also be realized as a velar, pharyngeal, or glottal rhotic. Speakers of some… … Wikipedia
Pipil language — Pipil Nawat (náhuat) Spoken in El Salvador (Sonsonate, Ahuachapan, La Libertad, San Salvador) Ethnicity Pipils Native speakers 3,000 … Wikipedia