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Kimberlite — is a type of potassic volcanic rock best known for sometimes containing diamonds. It is named after the town of Kimberley in South Africa, where the discovery of an 83.5 carat diamond in 1871 spawned a diamond rush, eventually creating the Big… … Wikipedia
kalian — adjective Describing minerals containing potassium Syn: potassian … Wiktionary
Metanatroautunit — Chemische Formel Na2[UO2|PO4]2 • 8H2O[1] bzw. Na2(UO2)2(PO4)2 • 6−8 H2O[2] Mineralklasse Phosphate, Arsenate und Vanadate 8.EB.10 (8. Auflage: VII/E.02 125) ( … Deutsch Wikipedia