- superable
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Wikipedia foundation.
Superable — Su per*a*ble, a. [L. superabilis, from superare to go over, to surmount, fr. super above, over.] Capable of being overcome or conquered; surmountable. [1913 Webster] Antipathies are generally superable by a single effort. Johnson. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superable — index possible Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
superable — surmountable, 1629, from L. superabilis that may be overcome, from superare to overcome, from super over (see SUPER (Cf. super )) + abilis (see ABLE (Cf. able)). The negative formation INSUPERABLE (Cf … Etymology dictionary
superable — (Del lat. superabĭlis). adj. Que se puede superar o vencer … Diccionario de la lengua española
superable — [so͞o′pər ə bəl] adj. [L superabilis < superare, to overcome < super: see SUPER ] Rare that can be overcome or conquered; surmountable superably adv … English World dictionary
superable — ► adjetivo Que puede ser superado: ■ has tenido una calificación superable. ANTÓNIMO insuperable * * * superable adj. Susceptible de ser superado. * * * superable. (Del lat. superabĭlis). adj. Que se puede superar o vencer. * * * ► … Enciclopedia Universal
superable — adjective Etymology: Latin superabilis, from superare to surmount more at insuperable Date: 1629 capable of being overcome or conquered • superableness noun • superably adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
superable — superability, superableness, n. superably, adv. /sooh peuhr euh beuhl/, adj. capable of being overcome; surmountable. [1620 30; < L superabilis, equiv. to supera(re) to overcome (deriv. of super; see SUPER ) + bilis BLE] * * * … Universalium
superable — su|pe|ra|ble Mot Pla Adjectiu invariable … Diccionari Català-Català
superable — Sinónimos: ■ salvable, mejorable, recuperable, asequible, fácil Antónimos: ■ difícil, insuperable … Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos