- respecification
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Respecification — (to respec or to respecify) in many MMORPG titles such as Star Wars Galaxies , World of Warcraft , City of Heroes , and City of Villains allows a player to change the attributes of his/her character.A player s character gains differing abilities … Wikipedia
respecification — n. * * * … Universalium
respecification — n … Useful english dictionary
City of Heroes — Boxart Developer(s) Cryptic Studios Paragon Studios Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
Economic model — A diagram of the IS/LM model In economics, a model is a theoretical construct that represents economic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical and/or quantitative relationships between them. The economic model is a simplified… … Wikipedia
Discrete choice — In economics, discrete choice problems involve choices between two or more discrete alternatives, such as entering or not entering the labor market, or choosing between modes of transport. Such choices contrast with standard consumption models in … Wikipedia
Harold Garfinkel — (* 29. Oktober 1917 in Newark, New Jersey; † 21. April 2011) war ein US amerikanischer Soziologe. Er begründete die Ethnomethodologie. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Werkauswahl … Deutsch Wikipedia