tan someone's hide
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tan someone's hide — (informal) To whip or beat someone • • • Main Entry: ↑hide * * * tan (or whip) someone s hide beat or flog someone ■ punish someone severely * * * tan someone s hide informal + old fashioned : to beat or whip (someone) very badly He threatened to … Useful english dictionary
tan someone's hide — tan (someone s) hide old fashioned to hit someone, usually a child, many times as a punishment. I ll tan that boy s hide if he touches my toolbox again … New idioms dictionary
tan someone's hide — idi inf tan someone s hide, to beat someone soundly … From formal English to slang
tan someone's hide — ► tan (or whip) someone s hide beat or flog someone. Main Entry: ↑hide … English terms dictionary
tan (or whip) someone's hide — beat or flog someone. → hide … English new terms dictionary
whip someone's hide — ► tan (or whip) someone s hide beat or flog someone. Main Entry: ↑hide … English terms dictionary
tan — tan1 [tan] n. [MFr < ML tanum, prob. < Gaul] 1. TANBARK 2. tannin or a solution made from it, used to tan leather 3. a yellowish brown color 4. a darkening of the skin as by exposure to the sun or a sunlamp adj. tanner … English World dictionary
tan hide — tan (someone s) hide old fashioned to hit someone, usually a child, many times as a punishment. I ll tan that boy s hide if he touches my toolbox again … New idioms dictionary
have someone's hide — verb To punish or subdue someone. Why doesnt The St. Petersburg Times scrape together $30 million and purchase footballs Tampa Bay Buccaneers? Then, when I tell John McKay how to coach, hed listen or Id have his hide. Syn: tan someones hide … Wiktionary
tan — tan1 tannable, adj. /tan/, v., tanned, tanning, n., adj., tanner, tannest. v.t. 1. to convert (a hide) into leather, esp. by soaking or steeping in a bath prepared from tanbark or synthetically. 2. to make brown by exposure to ultraviolet rays,… … Universalium