
Meaning sacred force, power or energy, it represents the Hindu concept or personification of the divine feminine aspect, sometimes referred to as The Divine Mother. Shakti represents the active, dynamic principles of feminine power. In Shaktism, Shakti is worshiped as the Supreme Being. However, in other Hindu traditions, Shakti embodies the active energy and power of male deities (Purushas), such as Vishnu in Vaishnavism or Shiva in Shaivism
See Also: Lakshmi, Parvati

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  • Shakti — Shakti, meaning sacred force , power , or energy , is the Hindu concept or personification of the divine feminine aspect, sometimes referred to as The Divine Mother . Shakti represents the active, dynamic principles of feminine power. In Shaktism …   Wikipedia

  • Shakti —    Shakti is the primordial creative, sustaining and destructive power of all existence. Although con ceived as female in nature, Shakti is not an indi vidual goddess, but rather a dynamic quality that all goddesses (and even all women, at least… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Shakti — als Durga, die den Büffeldämon, Verkörperung des Übels, besiegt Shakti (Sanskrit, f., शक्ति, śakti, Kraft) steht im Hinduismus für die weibliche Urkraft des Universums, die die aktive Energie darstellt. Die unzähligen indischen Göttinnen werden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shakti — ● shakti ou çakti nom féminin (mot sanskrit) Dans l hindouisme, l énergie féminine active. (Le culte des shakti s est étendu au bouddhisme par la voie du tantrisme.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Shakti — [shuk′tē] n. [Sans s̍akti] Hinduism divine power or energy worshiped in the person of the female consort of Siva or another god Shaktism n …   English World dictionary

  • Shaktí — Para el grupo de jazz fusión, véase Shakti (banda). En el marco del hinduismo, el término sánscrito shaktí designa a la energía o potencia activa de un deva (dios masculino), personificada como su esposa. Estatua de bronce de la diosa Adi Shakti… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Shakti — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le mot Shakti désigne : dans le vocabulaire védique, l énergie et plusieurs sens dérivés, voir Shakti (hindouisme); la femme de Shiva selon les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shakti — /shuk tee/, n. Hinduism. 1. the female principle or organ of generative power. 2. the wife of a deity, esp. of Shiva. Cf. Divine Mother. Also, Sakti. [ < Skt sakti] * * * or sakti In Hinduism, the creative energy inherent in and proceeding from… …   Universalium

  • Shakti — Shạkti   [ʃ ; Sanskrit »Energie«, »Kraft«] die, , eigentlich die Urkraft, von der Kosmos und Götter abhängig sind. In einigen indischen Religionen wird die Gattin eines Gottes als seine Shakti verehrt. Sie kann als »göttliche Mutter« auch über… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Shakti — noun the female or generative principle; wife of Siva and a benevolent form of Devi • Syn: ↑Sakti • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Hindu deity * * * Shakti var. Sakti …   Useful english dictionary

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