fee simple subject to condition subsequent
- fee simple subject to condition subsequent
A defeasible fee created with language reserving the right of the grantor to reclaim ownership of the land upon the occurrence of a specified condition (
g. "
if X event occurs,
grantor reserves the right to reenter and retake");
upon occurrence of the condition,
the grantor may decide to retake ownership or not.
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fee simple subject to condition subsequent — fee simple subject to condition subsequent: fee simple on condition subsequent at fee simple Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
fee simple subject to executory interest — noun A defeasible fee created with clear durational language expressing a condition (e.g. so long as , until , while ) which causes ownership of a property to revest in a third party identified by the grantor if that condition comes about. Syn:… … Wiktionary
Condition subsequent — refers to an event or state of affairs that brings an end to something else. A condition subsequent is often used in a legal context as a marker bringing an end to one s legal rights or duties. A condition subsequent may be either an event or a… … Wikipedia
fee simple — fee sim·ple n pl fees simple [simple without limitation (as to heirs) and unrestricted (as to transfer of ownership)]: a fee that is alienable (as by deed, will, or intestacy) and of potentially indefinite duration; esp: fee simple absolute in… … Law dictionary
fee simple determinable — noun A defeasible fee created with clear durational language expressing a condition (e.g. so long as , until , while ) which causes ownership of a property to revert to the grantor upon the occurrence of that condition. See Also: fee simple… … Wiktionary
Fee simple — is an estate in land in common law. It is the most common way real estate is owned in common law countries, and is ordinarily the most complete ownership interest that can be had in real property short of allodial title, which is often reserved… … Wikipedia
fee simple — The largest estate in land known to the law and implying absolute dominion over the land; an estate of inheritance clear of any condition, limitation, or restriction, to particular heirs. 28 Am J2d Est § 10. An estate of lawful inheritance or… … Ballentine's law dictionary
defeasible fee — noun An estate in land that may be divested from its current owner upon the occurrence of an event set forth by the grantor in the grant. See Also: fee simple determinable, fee simple subject to condition subsequent, fee simple subject to… … Wiktionary
fee — n [Middle English, fief, from Old French fé fief, ultimately from a Germanic word akin to Old High German fehu cattle] 1: an inheritable freehold estate in real property; esp: fee simple compare leasehold; life estate at estate … Law dictionary
condition — con·di·tion 1 n 1: an uncertain future act or event whose occurrence or nonoccurrence determines the rights or obligations of a party under a legal instrument and esp. a contract; also: a clause in the instrument describing the act or event and… … Law dictionary