- boid
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
boid — bo·id … English syllables
boid — ˈbōə̇d noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin Boidae : one of the Boidae … Useful english dictionary
Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid — (1942) est un cartoon réalisé par Bob Clampett et mettant en scène Beaky le Buzzard et Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid … Wikipédia en Français
Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid — Infobox Hollywood cartoon cartoon name = Bugs Bunny Gets The Boid series = Merrie Melodies/Bugs Bunny caption = Title card of Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid . director = Robert Clampett story artist = animator = Rod Scribner Robert McKimson Virgil Ross … Wikipedia
a|me|boid — «uh MEE boyd», adjective. 1. of or like an ameba; like that of an ameba: »ameboid movements. 2. related to amebas. Also, amoeboid … Useful english dictionary
a|moe|boid — «uh MEE boyd», adjective. = ameboid. (Cf. ↑ameboid) … Useful english dictionary
cu|boid — «KYOO boyd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. shaped like a cube; cubical. 2. Anatomy. of or denoting a cube shaped bone, the outermost of the distal row of tarsal bones. –n. 1. something shaped like a cube. 2. Anatomy. the cuboid bone. 3. Mathematics.… … Useful english dictionary
glo|boid — «GLOH boyd», adjective, noun. –adj. approximately globular; globe shaped. –n. a globoid figure or body … Useful english dictionary
rhom|boid — «ROM boyd», noun, adjective. –n. a parallelogram with equal opposite sides, unequal adjacent sides, and oblique angles. –adj. shaped like a rhombus or rhomboid. ╂[< Late Latin rhomboīdes < Greek rhomb ēs < rhómbos (see etym. under… … Useful english dictionary
strom|boid — «STROM boyd», adjective, noun. –adj. having to do with or resembling a stromb. –n. = stromb. (Cf. ↑stromb) … Useful english dictionary