live off the land

live off the land
to sustain a living by eating produce that one harvests or hunts from the countryside.

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  • live off the land — phrase to live on whatever food you can get by hunting, finding fruit, or growing vegetables Thesaurus: to live in a particular wayhyponym Main entry: live * * * I live on whatever food one can obtain by hunting, gathering, or subsistence farming …   Useful english dictionary

  • live off the land — to live on whatever food you can get by hunting, finding fruit, or growing vegetables …   English dictionary

  • live off the fat of the land — To live in luxury • • • Main Entry: ↑fat * * * live off the fat of the land phrase to have a comfortable and enjoyable life without doing any work Thesaurus: in a good, better or pleasant situationsynonym Main entry: liv …   Useful english dictionary

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  • live off the fat of the land — See: FAT OF THE LAND …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • live off the fat of the land — ► live off the fat of the land have the best of everything. Main Entry: ↑fat …   English terms dictionary

  • live off the fat of the land — to have enough money to live in a very comfortable way without having to do much work. Times have changed for the upper classes, many of whom are no longer able to live off the fat of the land …   New idioms dictionary

  • live off the fat of the land — have the best of everything, especially without having to work for it He plans to move to the mountains and try and live off the fat of the land …   Idioms and examples

  • live\ off\ the\ fat\ of\ the\ land — See: fat of the land …   Словарь американских идиом

  • live off — 1. To be financially supported by 2. To feed oneself exclusively on (particular foods) • • • Main Entry: ↑live * * * ˈlive off [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they live off he/she/it …   Useful english dictionary

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