- obdurate
But custom maketh blind and obdurate
Wikipedia foundation.
But custom maketh blind and obdurate
Wikipedia foundation.
Obdurate — Ob du*rate, a. [L. obduratus, p. p. of obdurare to harden; ob (see Ob )+ durare to harden, durus hard. See {Dure}.] 1. Hardened in feelings, esp. against moral or mollifying influences; unyielding; hard hearted; stubbornly wicked. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obdurate — Ob du*rate, v. t. To harden. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obdurate — I adjective callous, cold, decided, determined, dogged, dogmatic, dogmatical, firm, hard, hardbitten, hardened, hardhearted, harsh, headstrong, heartless, immovable, immutable, impervious, impossible to influence, incorrigible, indifferent,… … Law dictionary
obdurate — (adj.) mid 15c., stubborn; hardened, from L. obduratus hardened, pp. of obdurare to harden, from ob against (see OB (Cf. ob )) + durare harden, render hard, from durus hard (see ENDURE (Cf. e … Etymology dictionary
obdurate — inexorable, *inflexible, adamant, adamantine Analogous words: *hardened, indurated, callous: *obstinate, stubborn, mulish, stiff necked: *immovable, immobile Contrasted words: *tender, compassionate: yielding, submitting, succumbing, relenting… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
obdurate — [adj] pigheaded, stubborn adamant, bullhead*, callous, cold fish*, dogged, firm, fixed, hanging tough*, hard, hard boiled*, hard hearted*, hard nosed*, harsh, heartless, immovable, implacable, indurate, inexorable, inflexible, iron*, mean,… … New thesaurus
obdurate — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ stubbornly refusing to change one s opinion or course of action. DERIVATIVES obduracy noun obdurately adverb obdurateness noun. ORIGIN Latin obduratus, from durare harden … English terms dictionary
obdurate — [äb′door it, äb′dyoorit] adj. [ME < L obduratus, pp. of obdurare, to harden < ob , intens. (see OB ) + durare, to harden < durus, hard: see DURESS] 1. not easily moved to pity or sympathy; hardhearted 2. hardened and unrepenting;… … English World dictionary
obdurate — [[t]ɒ̱bdjʊrət, AM dʊr [/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone as obdurate, you think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion. [FORMAL] Parts of the administration may be changing but… … English dictionary
obdurate — obdurately, adv. obdurateness, n. /ob doo rit, dyoo /, adj. 1. unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding. 2. stubbornly resistant to moral influence; persistently impenitent: an obdurate sinner. [1400 50; late ME… … Universalium